How can I integrate a topic to my Wordpress website?
When you integrate a topic to WordPress, your scoops will be published on your website as blog posts. The featured image you chose in and your insight will, of course, be reflected in the final article.
Note: Once you connect your topic to a WordPress website, all your future scoops will be automatically published on it. However, the scoops you posted previously won't be transformed into blog posts.
1. Connect your topic with your Wordpress
Select the topic you want to integrate and click on "Integration" and "Connect my topic to WordPress".
Enter your website's URL, as well as your username and password. Make sure you are an administrator on your WordPress backend.
Note: If you’re not sure about the url of your Wordpress blog, it’s the url you use to access your blog's backend without "/wp-admin" – e.g.
2. Configure your Wordpress integration
"Share posts in category": You will only be able to publish in the "" category. Publishing in several categories is available on our Enterprise plan.
Wordpress templates have different ways of handling images, which is why we offer the three following options:
"Display image in excerpt" will force the excerpt displayed on the homepage of your website/blog to use the image of your original scoop. This option will, however, add a redundant image if your template is already automatically adding the image of the post to the excerpt (which is the case most of the time).
"Set Featured image" will automatically add the scoop's image as the featured image of your Wordpress post. It can be useful if your template is configured to display the featured image on your homepage.
"No image in content" can be useful if you have issues with having two images instead of one in your blog article.
Note if you're using RainMaker:
As RainMaker runs on the Wordpress platform, you just have to follow the steps above to complete the integration.